BE, DE, DO, England (GB), FI, FR, GR, IE, IT, CA, LU, MX, NL, AT, PT, SM, Schottland/Scotland (GB), CH, SI, TN
GRIECHENLAND Hafeneinfahrt von Rhodos-Stadt. Hier soll vor langer Zeit einmal der Koloss von Rhodos, eines der sieben Weltwunder, gestanden haben / GREECE port entrance of Rhodes-Town. In former times that should have been the place of the coloss of Rhodes, one of the seven world wonders (photo by Marco Plate)
IRLAND Toter Fuchs in den Wicklow Mountains Irland photographiert mit Handy-Kamera / IRELAND dead fox in the Wicklow Mountains Ireland photographed with a mobile-camera (by Andy Ward, Leicester, England)
ITALIEN (1994) Strasse von Venedig / ITALY street of Venice (photo by Marco Plate)